Pregnancy Counseling and Adoption Services

Formerly, as a licensed Adoption agency, Catholic Charities was a provider of pregnancy counseling and adoption services in Northern Kentucky. Because we will no longer be licensed as an adoption agency, our Pregnancy and Adoption services will be limited to retaining historical files in support of past adoptions and referring current adoption work to other licensed adoption programs. We can provide mental health counseling for couples dealing with infertility.
Our caring, clinical staff can also help women in an untimely pregnancy and other significant people in their life, before and after the birth of their baby. We are committed to providing information and support to help make the best plan for the mother and the baby.
Historical Adoption Records
We continue to retain historical records back to 1948, in support of individuals and families who were parties to a closed adoption. If you are a person seeking information about yours or your families’ adoption through Catholic Charities, please contact our office and ask for Client Care.
To schedule an appointment or for more information contact Catholic Charities at (859)581-8974